Thursday, February 28, 2008

Summer season ends

Well the summer field season is now over two of the Twin Otters have flown North heading back for Canada. The base is moving into the now finished New Bransfield House( Photos Soon).
People are getting ready for the winter to start.

Plenty of fur seals have arrived on the point.

An adult male Elephant seal, not as big as they can get but still huge as you can see by the size of its head.

Folk Night 2008 cont...

Cyril and Birgit did a Salsa dance and very good they were.

Cyril also sang and did a speech.
Cyril is a born actor/singer/dancer.

Drew and Rob singing a trio of songs.

Drew,St Paul and Cyril singing feed the world.
This is the last event that I will see at Rothera.

Folk Night 2008

Folk night 2008 is a night where the people left on base put on a show, its amazing how many people have hidden talents like Graham our weather man who play on his guitar a track from the Beautiful South, Old red eyes is back and told a joke or two.

Of course there are also the exception to the rule like John who did a Tommy Copper style sketch.
He got plenty of laughs and did a great job.
But John stick to the day job.

Riet, Tris and Rob did a Belgium number.

The GA's did a comedy sketch, Adam took to well to the dress and wore it for the rest of the night.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday Night

Feargil putting James to sleep with his riveting conversation.

Kerry and Sara both surveyors with the Navy.

Matt and me, as you can tell Matt had been drinking quite a lot.

Scouse, Rags and Nico.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Navy Surveyors

This week we have had some Navy surveyors staying at Rothera who have been mapping the point and the local sea bed.
Pictured above is Roxie.

Pictured above is Chilli who returned to our base after being air lifted from HMS Endurance after suffering from Appendicitis's.

Ringo and Scouse taking the job seriously.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life around the point

Well on what could be my 1000th time walking around the point,you could say what s the point walking around the same place that many times. Every time I go around I always find different things to take photos of .
Today there were plenty of Fur Seals.

And Skua's

I nearly got attacked by a furry while taking this pic.


This is a "Blond may be Ginger" Fur Seal.

Repaired DC3

If you scroll down this page on my blog you'll see pictures of this DC3 after it crashed.
After a Hercules full of second hand parts and air mechs was flown down from Canada.
The plane which is worth over half a million is now air worthy and back on its way north.
Also this week one of the medivac cases that went from HMS Endurance via Rothera to a hospital in the Falklands has now returned to Rothera awaiting the return of HMS Endurance.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Asa and Jase away

Well another two good friends away Asa and Jase heading back to the Uk.
I hope you have a safe and pleasant journey.

I have made many good friends while in Antarctica, I hope to keep in touch when back at home.

The sky looked so busy this morning.

Orca Whales

Yesterday while Ali was out doing a CTD A pod of Orca passed by.

Orca are only seen around here a couple of times a year.

Orca hunt Seals and other whales. The Large fin is a Male Orca, as you can see there is vast difference in size to the Females in the pod.

There were several adults and a calf.

(Photos courtesy of Ali)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dive Entry

2008 Bonner Crew.
Left to Right
Moto,John,Melody,Matt B,Birgit,Kelvin,Ali,Lloyd,Jim,Keiron,Sigglinda and Dickie.

Dive entry from the wharf Next steps a biggun.



Bird man of Rothera

John has many guises Noddy Holder, Rolph Harris but this picture shows his real calling
The Bird Man of Rothera(Dr DoLITTLE as he is aptly called in the Bonner Lab) naturally birds are drawn to him unfortunately for John it's the feathered variety.

A photo of a Skua chick and one just hatching.

Tech Services Team Photo

From Left to Right
Jason, Matt,Tim,Me,Graham,Andy,Scott and Asa.
Missing is Scott J who is at Sky Blu and Geoff who couldn't be arsed.

Lack of female form.LOL

I'm not sure how some of the new winter team will cope with there being a shortage of females on base, as you can see Jase has only been here a short time and is going on Wednesday and he's been affected. Asking Jase how he felt he replied " I wish Scott had shaved as I've got terrible stubble rash"

Seriously it was Asa and Jases last Saturday and everyone had a great time, it didn't finish till the small hours of the morning.

Asa resisting the male advances as Jeff tickles his feet.

Richard,Matt B, Scott B and MattG
Another Night to remember in the Rothera calender.

Ali (winter base comander) and Jase.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Good bye to Asa and Jase.

Last night was Asa,Jase,Owen and Richards last Saturday night so they stocked the fridge up and put on a free bar.
Needless to say it went down well and finished in the early hours of the mornings.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Better weather and good news.

Well the weather is good,nice and sunny and the temperature hovering around 0'C.

Yesterday I had an interview over the phone for a project managers job and got the job.
Working on Scottish Water projects throughout Scotland.

A young Elephant seal.
