Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life around the point

Well on what could be my 1000th time walking around the point,you could say what s the point walking around the same place that many times. Every time I go around I always find different things to take photos of .
Today there were plenty of Fur Seals.

And Skua's

I nearly got attacked by a furry while taking this pic.


This is a "Blond may be Ginger" Fur Seal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to contact you out of the blue like this! I'm currently working on a potential BBC Series that follow new staff out to Rothera. In order for us to move forward the commissioning team in the BBC want us to speak to people who've been out there (Antarctic) already. We're talking to the BAS about the trip and proposed series and it's all moving along swimmingly. BUT it would be great to talk to you and get a first hand account.

Would you be able to give me a bell on the number below so we can talk further please? Or email!


Nick Andrews

Assistant Producer, Network Development,

Factual Department

BBC Wales, Room 4020, Broadcasting House, Cardiff

02920 323755

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